Progress …

Good grief, my head is buzzing, Pages, Content, Tag Clouds, Stats, Likes, Shares, Widgets, Posts, Comments, Feedback. I guess I didn’t really think about getting an ‘online’ presence too well and am now reaping the rewards for a serious lack of planning!! When do I get the chance to make some shavings??? Ah!!! I do all this computerthingamebob techno stuff while you are all tucked up in bed.

However, things are slowly moving in the right direction. I have arranged a meeting with a photographer (I couldn’t take a decent photo if my life depended on it).  So with any luck, you will have something to look at next time you pop in.

It’s cold, wet, dank and downright miserable, it’s supposed to be Spring / Summer, not this depressing, grey, overcast crud!! My shed is unheated (for technical reasons that I will not go into here) and I do not like the cold anymore. It’s amazing just how much the weather affects the woods I work with. Getting pieces finished can be interesting to say the least. Temperature and humidity levels can change the size and shape of wooden objects quite significantly, which is a little frustrating (did I say Little??) at times.

What do you think?